June 20, 2012


My dear Madam:

Wed, 20 Jun 2012 15:38:04

--This curve, A, mayreach that point where momentum has ceased asa forwardly-propelling factor, and the machinenow begins to travel rearwardly.(Fig.16. kaelainna adkyn

March 21, 2012

(no subject)

Learn how to turn successful with your own home business

            Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:44:45
"I came from the end of the earth, he said, which rather seemedto confirm the Cape Town story,bringing me Motherland thesecret that would give her the empire of the world" (c) marial adelia

March 5, 2012

Dead To The World

The boys must have had an eventful day while I was working. They were out cold.

~April Mae~

March 4, 2012

Pathetic Much

She hurt her shoulder the other day. Since the she's been all whiny for attention. It's humerus at times. On a side note we are going to have puppies in a few weeks.

~April Mae~

March 3, 2012

Idiot Of The Year Award

I would have loved to shake this guys hand and be like hello my names April. I just wanted to meet the dumb ass that has a blatent disregard for laws, morals, and other drivers.

~April Mae~

March 2, 2012

America's Obesity

One meal at Red Lobster. And we wonder why people are so fat? Really?

~April Mae~

March 1, 2012

Teaching Classes

Started teaching classes for Joann. Hope all goes well. These are my supplies for my Cricut class.

~April Mae~

February 29, 2012

Good Morning

Here's a picture of Cheezeball aka Cheeze. He would like to say good morning. I was going to post a funny picture of Derek drooling all over his pillow. However didn't feel that everyone would find it as amusing as I had. So I opted for cute and adorable. Enjoy!

~April Mae~

Spring On Leap Day

Because I did not keep true to my last challenge and complete fifty pictures of the crochet hook I would like to try again. Do something a little different this time. I want to force myself to stop for a few seconds everyday and enjoy a moment that is beautiful, cute, or funny. With that said I would like to challenge myself to do this everyday for a month. With the new cell phone that I have, I have high hopes that I can complete this task daily. Good luck to me!

~ April Mae ~

January 31, 2012

Forty Two through Forty Five

Forty Two

Fancy Boat that they owners of the house we rented
from had brought in a few days before we left.

Forty Three

This tree has is located on the Lovers Key Beach.

It was an amazing walk. If I am ever lucky enough to go back I would
get up and walk the beach every sunrise because it is just that pretty.

Forty Four

Kim was awesome and helped me find probably around thirty sand dollars still intact.

They were everywhere. And so many star fish and Conch Shells. 

Forty Five

And a picture from the trip home.

I need to be much better about posting these things up here.

Life has just gotten the best of me lately.

Maybe I need to start a new one and make
a promise to myself to post everyday?

~Eyes like a shutter, Mind like a lens~

January 16, 2012

36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

Thirty Six

Mini Golf Course on Fort Myers Beach

Thirty Seven

Swimming pool where we stayed

Thirty Eight

Terracotta pot

Thirty Nine

They had lots of pretty trees


Love, Love, Love these old style lights

Forty One

Still busy figuring life out.

But here are some more pictures. 

I made a promise to my self to finish fifty
pictures and I'm going to through with it.

It may just take a little longer than expected.

~The more it tells you the less you know~

December 29, 2011


Thirty Five

Dereks favorite beverage of choice.

And the Chrysler 300 we drove while in Florida.

~Skill in photography is acquired by practice not by purchase ~

December 28, 2011

68% Done

Thirty Four

This is the paver road that leads up to Page Field.

I'm pretty sure at this point Derek isn't embarrassed
by me stopping to take these pictures anymore.

I like this and how the lines sort of just guide your eyes.

~If I knew how to take the perfect photograph, I would take one everytime~

December 27, 2011

State Route 33

Thirty Three

We were in the Fort Myers Beach Area.

A short drive away was the Paige Air Field.

So... We had to stop.

Here is the plaque for the plane that was perched out front named Kathy.

~Keep the sun at a right angle to your shot early or late in the day~

December 26, 2011

Thirty Two... Thirty Two.... Thirty Two..... Thirty Two.......

Thirty Two

Another picture from the flight down.

If you haven't figured out by now we were on a 700 Series Southwest.

We were sitting in the emergency exit row over the wings.

Every time we took off they would ask us if were had any
condition that would prevent us from preforming the duties needed if we crashed.

And they worded it something like are you willing and able.

I don't know how many times I wanted to laugh and
be like of yeah and I'm able and more than willing!

Mind you this is meaning you would open a fifty pound door throw it out
the plane and "HELP" aka throw others out of the plane in my book.

Too many annoying passengers to say the least...

~ Photography helps people to see, Or not to see for that matter~

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Here is photo Thirty One

Thirty One

Here is a peak into my Christmas Vacation.

Commercial flying.

Not at all my favorite thing to do.

Boarding A group 29-30.

~Think about getting down to the level of your subject, Makes them larger than life~

December 24, 2011

Treinta, Trente, τριάντα, 第三, Trettio, Dertig, Dreißig, तीस


When I started this challenge I thought that a book about crochet
would have been one of my first choices for a picture prop.

However, I see that it was not at all the case.

I'm pretty sure that I hate just about everything about this picture.

And then some.

Better luck next time.

Soon to come...

Pictures from Florida!

~Photography is a major force in explaining man to man~

December 23, 2011


Twenty Nine

The teddy bear that Derek got for me a while back.

It cuddles really well.

Just isn't as warm as he is.

~In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated~

December 22, 2011

Twenty Eight

Twenty Eight

Kathy Reichs wrote several books that became the basis for the show Bones.

And guess who love Bones?

I do!

So here is a picture of one of her books that is more recent.

Haven't posted in a while.

But, I'm back...

Between family stuff and finals and Florida I had
a lot going on and this sort of fell to the back burner.

Well, not anymore!

~Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still~

November 21, 2011

Twenty Seven

Photo Twenty Seven

Like I said my mother has an awesome green thumb.

This is her rubber tree plant that I am trying to get a start from.

Love the color and shape and over all structure of the plant.

Again I am feeling like my pictures might start to show that I am yawning a bit
at the fact that I challenged myself to fifty pictures. 

~Everyone has a photographic memory, Some just don't have the film~

November 18, 2011

Twenty Six, Twenty Six, Twenty Six

Photo Twenty Six

This plant is one of four from a basket of plants that was
at my uncles viewing when he died.

My mother and I snatched them up before they could be thrown out.

And a few years later they are doing lovely.

I hope that I have just as much of a green of a thumb as my mother does.

I would hate to kill one of these plants.

It would break my heart if I did. 

~A photo no longer tells the truth, it suggests just one possibility~

November 17, 2011

Five Squared

Photo Twenty Five 

Nothing very special To say about this picture.

So here is an explanation.

My mother has two pillars on the sides of her hutch.

This is one of them.

I'm thinking that next photo challenge should maybe be 25 pictures or so.

Looking back fifty seems like A LOT of pictures of one item. 

I understand why when I see others albums they get sort of lazy half way through.

I hope that looking back through these later on they don't appear lazy.

~Never take advice from someone who tells you that there is only one way to do something~

November 16, 2011

Twenty Two - Twenty Three - Twenty Four

Photo Twenty - Two, Three, and Four

I've been sick the past few days and not on the ball at all.

So today you get a three for one deal.

Sorry to disappoint!

Every time I have been at the house in Dublin I've been overwhelmed
with how much work and moving needed to be done.

So I haven't gotten around to taking picture of the hook at the house.

Might be a little while. I'm not holding my breath.

First picture is self explanatory. 

Here's the second one.

I am in the process of crocheting a rag rug
for the entry way for the house in Dublin.

It's going to be roughly 36"x50" when it's all said and done.

And last, and defiantly not least.

And maybe even my favorite.

I sort of love this filter really.

This may only be the second time I have used the filter but
I feel like I am becoming obsessed with it. lol

~If you buy a flute, you own a flute.~
~So why is it that when you buy a camera, you're a photographer ~

November 11, 2011

21 Days and a new Habit!

Photo Twenty-one

Did anyone notice that it is 11/11/11?

Meet Bob.

Bob is one of the fake arms in my Med class.

As much as I have gotten to know him I figured I would let him get in on the action.

On a side note.

It's been 21 photographers!

According to Doctor Maxwell Maltz I have developed a new positive habit.

Maybe I can develop a few more along the way.

Another weekend of moving stuff ahead.

Wish me luck!

~Once photography enters your bloodstream, it's like a disease~

November 10, 2011


Photo Twenty

This picture has angles, and color, and a uniqueness.

However, I feel like it's too plain.

If that is even possible?

On the bright side I am 20 days into the 21 needed to start a new habit!

Maybe I will be able to make it a habit of taking at least one neat picture a day.

I sure hope so.

It would be neat to decorate our guest room with all the neato pictures I take.

Or maybe I can get some sweet pictures of trains to hang with our train stuff...

So... Until next time.

~A painter can out see the layman, The camera can out see the photographer~

November 9, 2011

Nineteen - 84.

Photo Nineteen

Another day, another picture.

Thinking of 1984 brought back thoughts about
all the science fiction books I have read.

Think it's time to dig out some of the old classics
like Enders Game and The Giver.

When I need a rest from moving stuff this weekend that's the official plan.

So back to the picture.

Not at all satisfied with this one.

Then again that's what this project is all about.

Learning. And i learned I don't like this.

Didn't like the picture in color.

And don't like the picture is the sepia either.

~Photography helps people to see~

November 8, 2011

She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years!

Photo Eighteen

Still hanging out at Childrens...

So here is a picture I had saved for a rainy day.

Yes that is crochet.

And I did it. 

Wish I was better at crochet but then again don't we all?

If you want to get better and re-learn how here is a lovely site to check out.

~There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept.~

November 7, 2011

Seventeen only comes once in a lifetime, Don't it just fly by wild and free

Photo Seventeen

Spending the evening at the hospital with
a friend and her little girl that's having a rough time.

Hopefully Tater Tot gets feeling better.


Here is a Black and White to be over dramatic.

On a CHEERFUL note....

Derek and I got a place so hopefully my
pictures from here on out will be taken there!

~Of course it's all luck~

November 5, 2011

Sixteen Candles

Photo Sixteen

Played with filters in this picture.

After some research I found some neat ideas of how
to improve your photography and perspective. 

Here are a few of them...

Take twenty pictures from your pets perspective.
Pay attention to where they often hang out.
And get down to their level and shoot some pictures.

Set your camera to shoot only Black-and-White for a day of photography.
It forces you to look at the tones and not the colors.
Black-and-White teaches you to watch for textures, contrast, and shadows.

The 100 pace exercise.
Walk out your door and take 100 steps. Stop.
Now take a picture of something in your surroundings.
Return to your original starting point. Now walk 100 Steps in a different direction.
Stop. And take another picture of your surroundings.
Do this several times in different directions.
It'll force you to think about perspectives and your surroundings.

The high to low.
Choose one subject and take 20-30 pictures of it from different perspectives.
Take one from standing directly above.
And then maybe one from ground level.
And then maybe from eye level.
And then from really high above.
Switch it up.
And look at how the height really changes the angels and perspectives.

Ask 10 strangers or friends if you can take their picture.
This forces you to take the time to look at your subject.
Really notice them and their unique features.
Take some portraits and some candid.

Take 20 self portraits of yourself.
And find at least one that you want to share.
This forces you to look at the camera from others perspective.
If you can't make yourself feel good with a camera how
can you make someone else feel good when you  take their pictures?

These are the neato ideas that I found. And after I am done with this 50 photo
challenge I might be doing some other challenges like these one here as well.

~It's weird that photographers spend years or a lifetime capturing moments~
~that when added together don't even amount to a couple of hours.~

November 4, 2011

Fifteen Going On Sixteen

Photo Fifteen

There is a lesson to be learned today.

Take the time to get down eye level with your shot.

It can really make it or break it.

And this shot really isn't my favorite.

I didn't get down low enough and the perspective is a little not quiet right.

What I need to find is a photography text book for a beginning class that
has all the basics in it and has little exercises to do as well.

I think that if I studied through something like
that my photography could really benefit.

Looking like it's time to go on a little search for one.

I'll be sure to mention the results of my up coming adventure.

~A photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs~
~It makes you see the world rather than just look at it~

November 3, 2011

Two Thirds Of The Way To A New Habbit

Photo Fourteen

Fourteen of twenty one days into a new habit.

Todays picture is brought to you by, Dr. Maxwell Maltz

Look him up. He wrote a book called Psycho-Cybernetics.

And in that book he talks about the brain and electric circuits and traces.

Through this book he points out that any behavior should be
able to be changed with 21 continuous days of new behavior. 

So if you want to kick a bad habit, or start a good one
give it three full weeks before you give up on it.

~If plan A doesn't work don't worry. There are still 25 more letters to try.~

November 2, 2011

Naturally, It's 13. Why 13?

Photo Thirteen

Learning about how to use lines to lead to your focal point.

Here are a few things learned from this endeavor.

A successful leading line will lead your eye into the picture
and take it right to the main subject or center of interest.

The best leading lines will start at the lower left area of
the picture frame but not in the exact corner.

Some lines that lead your eyes around pictures easily are
roads, fences, shorelines, rivers, trees, or pathways.

The main subject will act as a stopper and hold the eye in the frame.

Lines can be used to frame your subject as well.

Diagonal lines emphasize power, movement, and energy.

Horizontal lines show strength, height, dignity, and grandeur.

Vertical lines show calm, peacefulness, softness, and tranquility.

Curvy lines are elastic and show charm and beauty.

Lines can be implied as well.

You can imply them by placing your object without four walls of your photograph.

Or an actual object will create a line.
For instance a tree, railroad track, or telephone wires.

~Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact~
~Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth~

November 1, 2011

12 Megapixels Later

Photo Twelve

Black and White photo numero two.

Two of my Three favorite hobbies all in one.

Trains and Photography.

And a very understanding boyfriend that watches me
take all  these pictures without laughing at me.

~Black-and-White can do anything that color can~

October 31, 2011


Photo Eleven

I've learned that you can't force a photograph.

You sort of just have to let it do it's own thing.

And the easiest way for me to do that is to let nature be nature.

It has all the colors and lines one could ask for.

All you need to insert is perspective. 

So here is my perspective...

~Photography can only represent the present~
~Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past~

October 29, 2011

And The Tenth Day Was Christmas In October!

Photo Ten

Let's revisit how to take pictures that have better clarity.

One of those tips was to use a tripod.

I searched around the house and couldn't find
the old one that had been hanging around.

So I sent Derek on a little trip while he was out.

He took a look at tripods from twenty bucks
to ones that were a few hundred bucks.

And in the fifty to one hundred dollar range he found a lovely
tripod that goes from twenty four inches to sixty inches.

It also will hold a new camera up to eleven lbs
if I were to get a new camera.

Wait for it. Here are the two best parts.

It weighs only three and a half lbs.

And Derek was an awesome boyfriend and got it for me.

So the picture above has the Promaster 7100 Tripod.

Thank you Derek you're the best boyfriend ever!

~Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.~

October 28, 2011

You Keep Looking But You Can't Find The Woods, While You're Hiding In The Trees

Photo Nine

I planted this willow tree in my parents side yard when my grandfather died.

It's been a few years. Well, more like eight years.

But every time I see it I am happy that it looks as lovely as it does.

I still have a few things that he made.

And I'll always hold onto them.

And when the tree gets a little larger I'll be able to
sit out under it and play with the little hexagon game that he
gave me and think about all the fun things he and I did.

One of the best things he ever taught me was how to get a free soda from
the vending machine at the side of the drive through across from their house.

I'm pretty sure that where ever he is he thinks about me from time to time.

And hopefully he thinks that I am doing alright.

~ Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer~
~And often the supreme disappointment ~

October 27, 2011

∞ Wilder Than Any Eight Second Ride ∞

Photo Eight

Meet Consuela!

She is a my double deluxe mannequin. 

Personally I don't like all the blue.

I guess more so that the material on Consuela is shiny.

And all of the artificial light.

Better luck to me next time.

~Photography deals exquisitely with appearance, but nothing is what it appears.~

October 26, 2011

Lucky Number 7!

Photo Seven

Decided to play with lines again.

Same thoughts as before though.

Should have gotten lower to the ground.

Cheers for my first Black and White photograph in this series.

I figured I would have gotten there sooner than I actually did.

I'm already a third of the way to developing a new habit.

According to research it takes 21 days to build a habit.

Or seriously kick one for that matter.

So in theory after I finish this 50 Photo challenge
I will have developed a new habit.

No complaints will be coming from this photographer.

I'm not even sure I can call myself that.

I still suck pretty bad at taking pictures.

Maybe one day after one or two or three of these fifty photo
challenges I will feel better about using the term photographer.

~Photography to the amateur is recreation.~
~To a Professional it is work, hard work too, no matter how pleasurable it may be.~

October 25, 2011

A, B, C, D, Exposure, F, G, H, I . . .

Photo Six

Finally decided to really play around with exposure.

Well after the fact.

In a Photoshop kind of mood today.

And this is what I came up with. 

It's unique and interesting.

And most defiantly different.

It's a security box and lock on a rail ride shack.

~Photography produces pleasure by simplicity.~

October 24, 2011

High Five For Day Five?

Photo Five

Not too much to say about this picture.

I've read that you should try to use lines to lead
the viewers eyes to your point of interest.

I tried to use the ties as horizontal lines to lead you to the hook.

I'm ok with the picture, but not 100 % satisfied.

I wish I would have taken the time to get a little lower to the ground.

If I had done that I think the ties would have had a better visual effect
by showing more depth to the photograph..

~There is only you and your camera.~
~The limitations in your photography are in yourself.~

October 21, 2011

Life's Candy, And The Sun's A Ball Of Butter. Don't Bring Around A Cloud To Rain On My Parade!

Photo Four

Still working on my composition.

But I'm decently happy with the outcome of this picture.

Specially because it was taken just after that nasty cold rain we had.

I'm surprised that I had as much light as I did.

A friend mentioned to be more aware of my light sources.

Looks like that'll be something that I need to study up on as well.

I'll leave on that note. Now raise your glasses.

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

~No photographer is as good as the simplest camera~

October 20, 2011

Rule Of Thirds Day...

Photo Three

Another problem I have with my photographs is keeping them interesting.

I can keep color in them. And I am working on clarity.

But visual interest, Eh... I'm not doing so good there.

So after searching around I have found a lot of info on the rule of thirds.

Basically divide your screen or photo into nine parts of a grid.

Sort of like a tic tac toe grid. My camera has a feature in the options.

Place points of interest on the lines or corners of the grid to
give the picture better visual interest.

Here are some tips to keep in mind.

(1) Avoid cutting your landscape in half by placing the horizon in the middle.
Accent spacious places by keeping the horizon low in the picture.
To make the picture emphasize closeness position the
horizon on the top third line high in the picture.

(2) Choose an angle that allows the natural lines of a bridge or
road to lead the viewers eyes to your main point of interest. 
Diagonal lines are dynamic, curved lines are flowing and graceful.

(3) When doing portraits use the grid lines for placing peoples eyes or
for group shots use them to place their heads.

(4) Use the vertical grid lines for things like trees, waterfalls,
a person with a background or foreground, or a main point of architecture.

(5) If you want a specific focal point use the corners of the middle square.

(6) Don't forget that the thirds rule is a guide and can be broken.

~ There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs~